
What you’ll get when we work together.


When you started your business, did you get advised to have a great elevator pitch?

I still don’t have one.

I’ve tried to explain what I do in a few words in my Instagram profile, my Facebook “About” section and even on this website. I can’t seem to find the perfectly succinct 10-words-or-less description of what I do.

In short, I provide strategic plans and decision making support for small business. But what does that look like? What will you actually have to take away at the end of our time together?

Values inventory

The first thing I do with all my clients is a deep dive into their values. This sounds basic, but so many options can eliminated immediately when you have a firm grip on this.

Similar to the “know your why” advice that is around, knowing your values will impact every decision you make. It’s important to be super clear on this, and go back to it periodically to remind yourself what you want to achieve in business.

YOU GET: a no-numbers decision making tool you can carry with you, to keep you on track.


Financial Modelling

If you are a full service client, I will create models that map the financial impacts of the options you are facing. No need for you to figure out your finances, I do it for you! And I love it!

Thinking about raising prices? I will build a model that shows how much sales drop off you can tolerate before it negatively impacts your overall profit.

Want to explore new income streams? I will build a model that shows you the revenue and cost potentials of various options.

Not sure whether to invest in your own equipment or continue to rent? I will show you how long that potential investment will take you to pay for itself.

YOU GET: a “walk away number” so you know at what point negotiations are not in your best interest.


Decision making support

Using both your Values Inventory and the Financial Modelling, I offer support and recommendations on what potential options will give you the most desired outcomes. I will also highlight the financial and market risks of your options.

If you are a Starter Package client, I will give you the tools you need to do this part yourself.

YOU GET: Analysis of your options and the basis for future tracking. No more wondering where it all went wrong!



It should be no surprise that I love to create budgets!

I map out what you earned and spent in the past year, and project the following year based on your strategy. Changes such as price rises or promotional periods will be built in if they are part of your strategy. This is a fully customised product and only available to full service clients.

YOU GET: a pretty summary of your financials that you can paste into your Business Plan, take to your next appointment with investors, use as motivation and as the basis for tracking your success.


Strategic plans

This is the pretty, fun bit at the end. This is the highlight of what I do, so you alll get this one!

YOU GET: an overall strategy document AND monthly tactical calendar of events so you can just get up and get moving on your plan. No procrastination allowed as you tick and flick the items on the list.


No need to feel scared that you don’t know your numbers. I will take that worry and work away from you. There is nothing I love more, in fact.

Book in a half hour consultation to hear more or what else I can do for you and your business. Get in quick before the prices go up in July! Simple join my newsletter and reply to the email you receive once you have signed up.


Enjoy your day!
